Camp Quality New Jersey
Creativity | Humor | Confidence | Gratitude | Zest

Our Story
Camp Quality New Jersey serves children with cancer and their families by providing year-round programs, experiences, and companionship, at no cost. Camp Quality promotes hope and inspiration while helping children foster life skills and develop their full potential.
When a cancer diagnosis comes to a child, in a lot of ways, childhood stops. Vacations, family time, crafts, and campfires are replaced with doctor visits, chemo, isolation and restrictions. With children’s safety and medical needs forefront, Camp Quality New Jersey breaks down those barriers for children and families and restores the childhood experience. Surrounded by new friends that can relate, loving volunteers who care, and loads of fun experiences, Camp Quality campers find joy, courage and renewed hope for the future. They are free to be themselves . . . free to be kids again.
Thank you for supporting the kids of Camp Quality New Jersey. Your donation will make it possible for more children with cancer and their families to participate in our free summer camp and other activities throughout the year.
What We Do
Summer Camp
Summer Camp is a week-long summer camp experience for children ages 4-17 located at Camp Linwood McDonald in Sandyston, NJ. Campers have the opportunity to partake in a variety of activities including swimming, dancing, crafts, archery, high ropes course, campfire, shows, boating, fishing, climb tower, and participating in a talent show.
CAMP IN is a week-long virtual summer camp for campers ages 5 – 17. Participants will receive a backpack filled with daily activities and supplies that follow the camp’s theme. There will be an activity cards for each day of camp with art, nature, and self-reflection activities. The supplies needed to complete each activity will be included in the backpack. Additionally, participants will receive a camp t-shirt and fun items that reflect camp traditions.
Reunion Weekend is for campers, their immediate families, and volunteers. Reunion weekend is typically held in November.
Winter Camp Teen Weekend
Winter Camp Teen Weekend is usually during the month of February for returning or new campers, ages 13-17 years old. The Winter Teen Camp is a great time to reconnect with friends and maybe meet new ones.
Spring Family Event
Spring Family Event is for campers, their immediate families, and volunteers. Spring Family Event is typically held in the Spring.
How You Can Help Camp Quality
Donate Money
Make a donation to Camp Quality. Their online donation form is available here, but if you would prefer to mail a check, the mailing address is also listed. Thank you for your support!
Donate Items
Camp Quality is always in need of items, particularly for our summer camp. Find out what items we need for our upcoming programs.
Donate Time
Camp Quality is a primarily volunteer run organization. Find out the many ways you can volunteer and make a difference in the life of a child with cancer.
What Do Donations Go Towards?
Vendors While At Camp
We bring in outside vendors to camp and try to offer the children unique experiences they may not otherwise be exposed to. Past examples include hot air balloon rides, hypnotist show, fire show, ice sculpting, equestrian show, carnivals, and airplane rides.
Activities At Camp
At any time at camp we have multiple activities for the kids to choose from. Examples include inflatable water slides, arts & crafts supplies, whipped cream for a pie fight, color powder for color runs, and super soakers/water balloons for water fights.
Medical Supplies At Camp
We have a full-service infirmary staffed with oncology nurses to take care of our children including onsite chemotherapy. Donations pay for all medical supplies from sunscreen and bug spray to medications.
Teen Camp
Over President’s day weekend our teenage campers have a 3-day, 2 night camp. Programming is similar to summer camp.
Family Events
We have multiple activities throughout the year that are attended by campers, their parents and their siblings. New this year is a 3-day Family Camp in Cape May. We also have a day family events in the fall and spring, these have included Blue Claws baseball games, Top Golf, the Liberty Science Center and the Franklin Institute.
Hospital Care Packages and Thinking of You Gifts
We leave care packages at hospitals throughout the state with Pediatric Oncology programs for newly diagnosed children. When our campers have surgery or are inpatient at the hospital we also send individual care packages. At the holidays we send all our campers amazon gift cards; medical expenses can be overwhelming for families so we want to ensure everyone gets a holiday gift.

How Many Campers Attended Camp Quality New Jersey This Past Summer?
Camp Quality is the largest camp for children with cancer in the United States; our programs serve children with cancer and their families with year-round activities. This year we will have ~1200 children involved in our programs across the US. Overall this year, the New Jersey chapter will serve ~30 children with cancer and their families, a total of 120 people.
This past year we had 20 children attend camp, 8 virtual and 12 in person. It was smaller than past years when we’ve had up to 40 children. We are still dealing with Covid restrictions since our kids are all medically high risk. We have a family camp weekend in the end of September and are expecting 25 families.