Elks Camp Moore
Helping To Build Stronger Communities

Our Story
Tucked away in the hill of the Ramapo Mountains, Elks Camp Moore offers a fun filled vacation away from home for children with special needs. A week at Elks Camp Moore is a remarkable experience not soon to be forgotten. The primary goal of the camp is to further develop the recreational and social skills of each child. In a relaxed and accepting atmosphere , each camper experiences new adventures, lasting friendships, and opportunities that promote independence and greater self-confidence.
The talented and creative program staff offers a wide variety of activities, with special care given to include every child. A day at Elks Camp Moore might include hiking up the nature trail, cooling off in the spray park, tye-dying, playing basketball, relaxing in the multisensory room, painting in arts and crafts, relay races in the pool, or rehearsing for Saturday’s big finale concert. After dinner, the entire camp gathers together for special programs including talent contests, scavenger hunts, carnivals, and dances – the possibilities are endless.
What We Do
Outdoor Activities
Our talented and creative program staff offers a wide variety of outdoor activities, with special care given to include every child. A day at Elks Camp Moore might include hiking up the nature trail, cooling off in the spray park, playing basketball or relay races in the pool.
On-Site Lodging
Among the buildings stand 3 modern camper dormitories, a two story dining hall, kitchen, arts and crafts room, game room, and a fully equipped health center. The camp also contains a large heated pool that is completely wheelchair accessible.
Arts & Crafts
Our staff offers creative activities such as tye-dying, relaxing in the multisensory room, painting in arts and crafts or rehearsing for the big Saturday finale concert. Each year the entire camp gathers together for special programs including talent contests and dances – the possibilities at Camp Moore are endless.
Full-Ride Sponsorships
Elks Camp Moore accepts children with disabilities who are between the ages of 7 and 18, as well as young adult week (ages 19-21) and spring/fall respite weekends. There are 600-700 camperships provided each summer. Each child must be sponsored by their local Elks Lodge with the full cost of attendance paid by the lodge. The children attend at no cost to their families.
How You Can Help Camp Moore
As with any volunteer organization, help is required to make the program a success. A few things interested parties can do are: Give a little of your time to directly assist in the up-keep of the camp through the spring preparations and fall closing. Provide entertainment at various times throughout the summer. Provide contacts with various businesses that would help the camp with supplies for the season, materials for the general maintenance, or items, which could be used by the campers to enhance their
camping experiences.
If your company has a United Way donation program, specify your funds to go directly to Elks Camp More. The United Way identification number is 008866.
More About Camp Moore
The talented and creative program staff offers a wide variety of activities, with special care given to include every child. A day at Elks Camp Moore might include hiking up the nature trail, cooling off in the spray park, tye-dying, playing basketball, relaxing in the multisensory room, painting in arts and crafts, relay races in the pool, or rehearsing for Saturday’s big finale concert. After dinner, the entire camp gathers together for special programs including talent contests, scavenger hunts, carnivals, and dances – the possibilities are endless.
Elks Camp Moore accepts children with disabilities who are between the ages of 7 and 18, as well as young adult week (ages 19-21) and spring/fall respite weekends. There are 600-700 camperships provided each summer. Each child must be sponsored by their local Elks Lodge with the full cost of attendance paid by the lodge. The children attend at no cost to their families. An application for Elks Camp Moore can be obtained through a local Elks Lodge’s Special Children’s Committee Chairperson. The committee’s state office can also be contacted for help in finding the nearest lodge.
The director of the camp is selected based on experience and certifications associated with special education and special needs camps. The counseling and support staff are hired by the director from the United States and other countries around the world. Over 27 countries have been represented at Elks Camp Moore over the years. The staff is fully trained before camp with ongoing training throughout the season. A large majority of the staff returns from previous years and are therefore very familiar with the campers and camp life in general. The ratio of campers to counselors is usually 2:1 or 1:1. Medications and emergency treatments are handled by a qualified nursing staff. Local doctor and hospital services are available when needed. Please note that any medication brought from home must be in prescription bottles with labels. Be sure to bring enough for the full stay, with a few extra as accidents do occasionally happen. All food is prepared by an experienced cook and kitchen staff. Special diets can be accommodated when necessary.